

Financial Wellness Planning: Balance Time, Energy, Health, and Money for a Fulfilling Life

Have you ever felt like financial planning alone isn’t enough to create a fulfilling life? That’s because true prosperity isn’t just about money—it’s about...

Embracing Uncertainty: How Detachment Theory Can Guide You Through Divorce

Divorce is one of the most challenging transitions a person can face. It’s a time of upheaval, marked by financial shifts, emotional turbulence, and...

Feeling Financially Trapped in Marriage? Navigating this Complex Dynamic

There’s an immense feeling of being trapped when your marriage reaches its breaking point and the frustrations are at an all-time high. You can’t...

How Do I Know When I’m Ready to Date After Divorce?

Dating after a divorce can be both exciting and intimidating. It's a journey that many of us face with a mixture of hope and...

Overcoming Resistance in Divorce: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities

Divorce is an emotional rollercoaster, a time of profound change that can leave us feeling lost, scared, and uncertain about the future. During this...

Harnessing the Power of Polarity in Divorce: A Path to Self-Discovery and Evolution

In "A Man's Journey Through Divorce", Episode 116: "Shift Your Divorce Through the 7 Universal Laws,",we discuss the Law of Polarity. The unwelcome nature...

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Divorce Suckiness Assessment

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