Are You In An Invisible Divorce?

By Steve Schleupner, Mediator, CFP®, CDFA®, CDC®, ChFC®

Identifying the subtle signs of an “invisible divorce” can be the first step in salvaging a struggling relationship. As described by renowned author Harville Hendrix, PhD., this phenomenon occurs when couples unwittingly drift apart, trapped in a power struggle fueled by unaddressed needs and unresolved conflicts. But how can you tell if your relationship is slipping into this silent abyss?

  1. Avoidance Tactics: Take stock of how you and your partner navigate interactions. Do you find yourselves retreating into solitary activities like excessive drinking, obsessive work hours, or mindless screen time? These avoidance tactics, while seemingly harmless, can erect emotional barriers, preventing genuine connection.

  2. Communication Breakdown: Pay attention to the quality of your conversations. Are discussions marked by silence, avoidance, or superficial exchanges? A lack of meaningful communication often signifies deeper underlying issues that need addressing.

  3. Emotional Distance: Notice any emotional disconnect between you and your partner. Do you feel distant, resentful, or disconnected? Emotional detachment is a telltale sign of an invisible divorce, indicating unresolved conflicts or unmet needs.

  4. Intimacy Deficit: Consider the level of intimacy and affection in your relationship. Has physical intimacy dwindled? Are gestures of love and appreciation infrequent or forced? A decline in intimacy can signify underlying emotional barriers and unresolved issues.

  5. Resentment and Blame: Reflect on your feelings towards your partner. Do you harbor resentment or assign blame for past grievances? Chronic resentment and blame erode trust and intimacy, fostering an atmosphere of hostility and discontent.

If you recognize any of these signs in your relationship, it’s essential to address them proactively. Ignoring the warning signals of an invisible divorce can lead to further deterioration and eventual irreparable damage. Seeking professional guidance through couples therapy or coaching can provide valuable insights and tools for navigating these challenges. Remember, with commitment and effort, it’s possible to reignite the spark and rebuild a fulfilling, connected partnership.


Steve Schleupner specializes as a Divorce Transition Specialist, viewing divorce not just as an event but as a transformative life journey. His approach involves empowering clients to strategize for the long haul. Acting as a mediator, Steve presents various options aimed at reducing conflict and enhancing financial acumen, enabling clients to reach settlement agreements with clarity and assurance. Beyond the finalization of divorce decrees, he remains a steadfast guide, assisting clients in implementing their plans and adjusting them as circumstances evolve. With over two decades of financial planning expertise and seven years dedicated specifically to divorce coaching, Steve brings a wealth of knowledge to his practice. He holds certifications as a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® professional, a Certified Financial Planner® professional, and a Certified Divorce Coach® in addition to his mediation qualifications.

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