The Crucial Role of Stability in Children’s Well-Being During Divorce

By Steve Schleupner, Mediator, CFP®, CDFA®, CDC®, ChFC®

Divorce is a tumultuous time for families, especially children, whose sense of stability is often shaken to the core. Having experienced the seismic impact of my parents’ divorce during my formative years, I’ve come to understand just how vital stability is for a child’s emotional well-being.

My own childhood journey, marked by constant upheaval and uncertainty, taught me invaluable lessons about the profound effects of divorce on children. The instability I faced left me feeling adrift, struggling to cope with the rapid changes in my life. Witnessing my parents’ turmoil only compounded my sense of insecurity and anxiety.

Determined to break this cycle and shield my own children from similar trauma, I made stability a top priority during my own divorce. Despite facing financial and personal challenges, I recognized the importance of providing my children with a secure and consistent environment. This meant making sacrifices and difficult decisions to ensure their emotional needs were met.

Through my journey, I’ve come to appreciate the crucial role stability plays in safeguarding children’s well-being during divorce. It serves as an anchor amidst the storm, offering children a sense of security and continuity during a time of upheaval. By prioritizing stability, parents can help mitigate the negative impact of divorce and empower their children to navigate this challenging transition with resilience and strength. 


Steve Schleupner specializes as a Divorce Transition Specialist, viewing divorce not just as an event but as a transformative life journey. His approach involves empowering clients to strategize for the long haul. Acting as a mediator, Steve presents various options aimed at reducing conflict and enhancing financial acumen, enabling clients to reach settlement agreements with clarity and assurance. Beyond the finalization of divorce decrees, he remains a steadfast guide, assisting clients in implementing their plans and adjusting them as circumstances evolve. With over two decades of financial planning expertise and seven years dedicated specifically to divorce coaching, Steve brings a wealth of knowledge to his practice. He holds certifications as a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® professional, a Certified Financial Planner® professional, and a Certified Divorce Coach® in addition to his mediation qualifications.

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